If you've been looking for paying surveys online, chances are you've had several bad encounters with survey sites which turned out to be scams. Unfortunately there are some bad eggs out there, some that won't even pay you for your time and effort. Then there are those companies who do compensate you but only in the form of gift vouchers or prize drawings! If you're serious about making several thousand dollars a month, you need to know where to find the paying surveys online, they are out there, you just need to know what to look fo
One of the things you should keep a look out for is what kind of companies does the survey site deal with. If the companies are small and relatively unheard of, it's not a good sign. It's not necessarily a bad sign but if you find out the survey site deals with Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Nike and Dell, who are you more likely to take surveys with? There are some companies who actually do business with these big names and you know these big names are not going to want to tarnish their reputation by getting involved with scam sites. This is one of the best ways to determine if a site is going to be worth your time or not.
Some of the survey sites tell you up front what companies they deal with and others you have to sign-up with first. If you can't figure out who they deal with on their site, try e-mailing them and asking them. If they do not give out this information, worst case scenario you can sign up with them and find out for yourself. Of course only do this with sites that offer a money back guarantee, that way if you're not happy with the survey site or the amount of money you're being offered you can simply get your money back and move on to a better site.
Did you know you can get paid to do surveys? To find out how to earn a guaranteed $135 per day, check out: Money Making Surveys.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Renard_Muldrake
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