Looking for some surveys that pay cash? Some survey sites can be frustrating to deal with, you do all that work filling out surveys only to find out in the fine print that they won't even pay you in cash! Then you find out that for all your wasted effort you're going to get a measly $25 gift certificate to a place you probably wouldn't have shopped at anyway, how ridiculous is that? Well, if you've had your fair share of survey site frustrations, finding a survey site that actually pays cash and pays a good amount of cash is like finding an oasis in the Sahara desert! Here are a few tips to make sure you only get paid cash from now on.
First of all, if you want surveys that pay cash, stay clear of free sites. Free survey sites are notorious for offering prizes and gift certificates and the ones that do offer cash in general only offer $1-$10. If you seriously want to make money, take the time to invest in a membership site. If you pick a good one you can earn back your membership in a survey or two so it's no big deal. Just make sure the site is reputable and has some good reviews.
Another thing to keep in mind is of course to read the fine print. A site might seem good all the way up until you find out that they pay not only in cash, but also in gift certificates and prizes. You don't want a site that gives you that option, at all! The only thing you're interested in is getting cold hard cash for your efforts, so scrutinize a site for any other payment method other than money.
Lastly, to ensure you wind up doing surveys that pay cash, sign up with a survey site that has dealings with the Fortune 500 Companies. From all the sites I've seen that get surveys from these big name companies, I have had no problems getting paid in cash and large amounts of cash at that.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Renard_Muldrake
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